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Academic, Vaccination, and Cancellation Policies

Academic Policies

Loyola’s general academic policies apply to Summer Legal Studies programs. Thus, students must attend 80 percent of all classes, and final examinations will be graded on the traditional A-F (+,-) scale. 

Loyola students must be carrying a GPA of 2.20 or above (by the program start date) to participate in any of or Summer Legal Studies Programs. 

Applicants should be aware that participation in foreign programs cannot always be used to accelerate graduation. Students interested in acceleration of graduation should consult an appropriate official at their own law school in light of ABA Accreditation Standards. 

Vaccination Policies 

All program participants (students, faculty, staff, and any guests) must comply with Loyola vaccination requirements and country vaccination requirements. We will take and abide by all public health precautions while traveling to/from and staying on Spetses Island and in Vienna. 

Cancellation Policy

Loyola does not anticipate the need to cancel these programs. However, ABA regulations require a disclosure that certain events such as a COVID-19 outbreak, war, natural disaster, or insufficient enrollment could cause cancellation.

1. For cancellation that occurs after a deposit has been paid, the program director will use his best efforts to make arrangements for each student enrolled to attend a similar program, if the student so desires.

2. If the program is canceled, all money advanced by the student shall be refunded within twenty (20) days after the date of cancellation.

State Department Advisories

I. Consular Information 

1. As part of the registration materials for the program, the Office of International and Comparative programs shall supply the U.S. State Department Consular Information Sheet for the country(ies) in which the program will be conducted; “Areas of Instability” will be included. If the Consular Information Sheet is revised during a program to announce an “Area of Instability” in the region in which the program is being conducted, the updated information will be distributed promptly to students.

2.If the program is held in an “Area of Instability,” students will be permitted to withdraw upon learning that the site has been declared to be such an area. Students shall be refunded fees paid except for room and board payments utilized prior to the date the site was declared an “Area of Instability.”

II. Travel Warnings

1. If, prior to the commencement of a program, a U.S. State Department Travel Warning is issued for the country(ies) in which the program will be conducted, all registrants will be notified promptly of the warning and be given an opportunity to withdraw from the program. Students who withdraw shall receive a full refund of all monies advanced within twenty (20) days after withdrawal. In the event that a program is canceled, students shall receive a full refund of all monies advanced within twenty (20) days after the cancellation.

2. If, during the course of a program, a U.S. State Department Travel Warning is issued for the country(ies) in which the program is being conducted, students will be notified promptly of the warning and given an opportunity to withdraw from the program. Students who withdraw will be refunded fees paid except for room and board payments utilized prior to the date of withdrawal. If the program is terminated, students shall be refunded fees paid except for room and board payments utilized prior to the date the Travel Warning is issued.

CDC Travel Guidance

We will send a weekly email update regarding the Center of Disease Control's travel guidance for Greece and Austria.